Honey pomelo, one of the most important fruits in China, always suffers a variety of diseases during the whole process of planting, such as maculopathy, anthracnose, scab and dark mildew, which seriously affects the fruit quality and yield. The accurate recognition of honey pomelo leaf diseases is the premise of the treatment of honey pomelo diseases, and the precision directly affects the efficiency in controlling diseases. However, most of the current researches on disease recognition aimed at the global information of the study objects, but ignored the disease's local feature extraction in multi-scale and multi-direction; in addition, the present researches generally used the method of one to one or one to many when building many types of support vector machine (SVM) in the disease classification model, few researches used the method about SVM based on directed acyclic decision tree. So, leaf diseases recognition of honey pomelo based on SVM of directed acyclic decision tree was put forward in this paper. At first, statistical analysis on components of color characteristics of collected honey pomelo leaf diseases was carried on, and the conclusion was drawn according to the statistics of component B, component 2G-R-B, component (G+R+B)/3 and component Q in YIQ color model, which were easily distinguished among the 4 diseases, and so the 4 color components were used as disease color features. Secondly, honey pomelo leaf disease images were converted into 4 grayscale images of component B, component 2G-R-B, component (G+R+B)/3 and component Q in YIQ color model. Gabor wavelet with 5 dimensions and 8 directions was used for convolution calculation with 4 grayscale component images, and 16-dimension energy sub-band was got, the mean value of which was used as eigenvector. Disease recognition model of three-level directed acyclic decision tree SVM was constructed by 6 SVM classifiers, in order to recognize 4 honey pomelo diseases, i.e. maculopathy, anthracnose, scab and dark mildew. According to the test results of cross validation method, the recognition accuracies of maculopathy, anthracnose, scab and dark mildew respectively reached 90%, 96.66%, 93.33% and 96.66%, and the average recognition rate of the 4 diseases was 94.16%, showing that the method could effectively recognize the 4 honey pomelo leaf diseases. Optimal binary tree SVM proposed in this paper was compared with BP neural network, one-to-one SVM and one-to-many SVM in different characteristic dimensions, and the results showed that the training time of the proposed method in this paper and other 3 methods was respectively 740 ms, 420 ms, 450 ms and 370 ms, and the disease recognition accuracy of the 4 methods was respectively 86%, 91.5%, 90% and 94.16%. The method proposed in this paper is superior to the other 3 algorithms in training time and recognition precision. So the proposed method can provide technical support for the accurate recognition of honey pomelo leaf diseases, in favor of the prevention and treatment of pomelo diseases, and also provide references for the prevention and cure of other plant's leaf diseases.