Qingchengzi Ore Concentration area is located in the western of Liaodong-Jinan rift, and it is an important gold and silver polymetallic ore district its complex mineralization, ore-forming fluids in order to reveal its depth, into the origin and mineralization model for mineral characteristics, On the basis of the recent set of typical mine gold and silver deposits(Gaojiapuzi silver, Xiaotongjiapuzi, Yangshugou and Linjiasandaogou gold) in the area of research on the geological characteristics, the Author conducted fluid inclusion temperature measurement and laser Raman component analysis, H, O, C, S, Pb isotope analysis, a comprehensive multivariate isotopic tracer system. Gold and silver deposits of Qingchengzi Ore Concentration area in most developed liquid-rich inclusions, developed locally by gas inclusions, individual quartz veins in a small three-phase development H2O-CO2 inclusions and CO2 two-phase inclusions, ore-forming temperature range, is more reflecting the evolution of the mineralization stage, the main mineralization at a temperature between 120~210℃. Ore-forming fluid is middle temperature in low salinity water and salt density of the fluid. Laser Raman compositional characteristics shows that forming fluids generally belong containing H2 of H2O-NaCl-CH4-CO2 system, belonging to reducing fluid, having deep source characteristics. The results of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes show that hydrothermal mineralization mainly from magmatic water and atmospheric precipitation. The results of carbon and oxygen isotopes showed that forming fluids originning or flowing through contains a lot of organic matter formation, organic matter of formation may be involved in the enrichment of gold mineralization. Sulfur isotopic characteristics show that the sulfur ore from mixing seawater sulfate reducing sulfur and magmatic hydrothermal origin, mainly from the possible reduction of seawater sulfate. Lead isotope results indicate that gold and silver ore is a mixture of lead from the formation and magmatic rocks. © 2016, Science Press. All right reserved.