Product No. 1 (control), No. 2 (red wine replacement, RW), No. 3(0.04‰ tea polyphenol added, TP), No. 4(0.02‰ licorice extract, LE) and No. 5(0.02‰ tea polyphenol and 0.01‰ licorice extract, TL) were made, and the effect on color, flavor differences and volatile substances was analysised. As shown in the principal component (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA), except No. 5, no obvious difference between other products was found. The addition had significant effects on L*, b* and h* of lean of the product. The compound addition of TP and LE had significant effects on a*, b*, C* and h* of lean of No 5. L*, a*, b*, C* and h* of fat changed obviously by the replacement of red wine in No. 2. No. 3 and No. 4 shared asimilar color. The content of alkanes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and aldehydes had no significant differences. Compared with the control products, the ester relative content reduced with the addition of RW and natural active material, while the ketones and olefins increased. © 2019, Editorial Office of Journal of CIFST. All right reserved.