Introduction: According to the American Society of Radiation Oncology, all patients receive radiation therapy during their illness, where radiation is delivered by the medical linear accelerator (Linac). The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality assurance (QA) of the Linac in analyzing the used dose profile in the treatment of cancer tumors. Material and Methods: This experimental study was performed using Linac (synergy device type) at Baghdad Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine laboratories, Baghdad, Iraq. The Star Track device was used for the routine quality assurance of the Linac, using photon beam for the reference Dmax and source to surface distance of 100 cm. The Star Track consists of 453 vented parallel plate ionization chambers. Results: The flatness and symmetry of beams for the reference field size did not exceed from ±2%, as they were within the allowed range. Moreover, the penumbra region showed a change in value that did not exceed from ±0.2 cm. using the Star Track method; maximum differences in beam symmetry and beam flatness were measured at 0.76%±2% and 1.17%±2%, respectively. Moreover, the maximum difference in the penumbra region was estimated at 0.12±0.2 cm. Conclusion: The results indicated, the Star Track could successfully calculate the characteristics of dose profile during a time period of 2,500 ms, showing the superiority of this instrument over other verification devices. © Mashhad University of Medical Sciences.