共 61 条
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- [2] Local Transient Jamming in Stress Relaxation of Bulk Amorphous Polymers[J]. Ji-Ping Wang,Yi-Huan Yu,Ya-Qian Guo,Wen Luo,Wen-Bing Hu.Chinese Journal of Polymer Science. 2021(07)
- [3] Stress-Structure Relationship of the Reversible Associating Polymer Network under Start-up Shear Flow[J]. Ai-Qing Liu,Li-Jun Liu,Wen-Sheng Xu,Xiao-Lei Xu,Ji-Zhong Chen,Li-Jia An.Chinese Journal of Polymer Science. 2021(03)
- [4] Diffusion of a Ring Threaded on a Linear Chain[J]. Zhen-Hua Wang,Yu-Yuan Lu,Hui Jin,Chuan-Fu Luo,Li-Jia An.Chinese Journal of Polymer Science. 2020(12)
- [5] Role of Hydrodynamic Interactions in the Deformation of Star Polymers in Poiseuille Flow[J]. Zhen-Yue Yang,Xiao-Fei Tian,Li-Jun Liu,Ji-Zhong Chen.Chinese Journal of Polymer Science. 2020(04)
- [6] Conformational Properties of Comb-shaped Polyelectrolytes with Negatively Charged Backbone and Neutral Side Chains Studied by a Generic Coarse-grained Bead-and-Spring Model[J]. Jian-Hua Chen,Li-Qun Lu,Hong-Xia Zhao,Yong Yang,Xin Shu,Qian-Ping Ran.Chinese Journal of Polymer Science. 2020(04)
- [7] A Theoretical Study on Transitional Shear Flow Behavior of the Compressible and Isothermal Thermoplastic Polymer[J]. Dong-Lei Liu,Feng Zhou,Kun Fang.Chinese Journal of Polymer Science. 2019(05)
- [8] Diffusion and Relaxation Dynamics of Supercooled Polymer Melts[J]. Deng Pan,Zhao-Yan Sun.Chinese Journal of Polymer Science. 2018(10)
- [9] A Simple and Effective Boundary Model in Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Method[J]. Cui-liu Fu,孙昭艳.Chinese Journal of Polymer Science. 2016(09)