To clarify the formation and distribution of feldspar dissolution pores and predict the distribution of high-quality reservoir in gravity flow sandstone of the 7thmember of Triassic Yanchang Formation(Chang 7 Member) in the Ordos Basin,thin sections,scanning electron microscopy,energy spectrum analysis,X-ray diffraction whole rock analysis,and dissolution experiments are employed in this study to investigate the characteristics and control factors of feldspar dissolution pores.The results show that:(1) Three types of diagenetic processes are observed in the feldspar of Chang 7 sandstone in the study area:secondary overgrowth of feldspar,replacement by clay and calcite,and dissolution of detrital feldspar.(2) The feldspar dissolution of Chang 7 tight sandstone is caused by organic acid,and is further affected by the type of feldspar,the degree of early feldspar alteration,and the buffering effect of mica debris on organic acid.(3) Feldspars have varying degrees of dissolution.Potassium feldspar is more susceptible to dissolution than plagioclase.Among potassium feldspar,orthoclase is more soluble than microcline,and unaltered feldspar is more soluble than early kaolinized or sericitized feldspar.(4) The dissolution experiment demonstrated that the presence of mica can hinder the dissolution of feldspar.Mica of the same mass has a significantly stronger capacity to consume organic acids than feldspar.(5) Dissolution pores in feldspar of Chang 7 Member are more abundant in areas with low mica content,and they improve the reservoir physical properties,while in areas with high mica content,the number of feldspar dissolution pores decreases significantly.