Background and Objectives: Wasting among under-five years old (U-5) children is a significant global publichealth-nutrition burden. To effectively address this problem in Bangladesh, knowing its prevalence, causes and associated-factors are essential. This review aimed to identify evidences available in the existing-accessible literature/documents that describe the individual, socioeconomic, demographic, and contextual risk-factors associated with wasting among U-5 children in Bangladesh. Methods and Study Design: Electronic-databases included were MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, WoS, and Cochrane-Library written in English and published until 29 February 2024. Results: The search from the five databases yielded 167 publications. Of these, 50 papers/articles were duplicates and 108 were irrelevant, and nine have met the inclusion criteria. Additionally, 22 articles/documents were identified from other sources. Finally, a total of 31 articles/documents have been included in this review. The odds of childhood wasting observed were high for smaller birth-size, higher birth-order, male child, 12-24 months age-group, improper breastfeeding- and complementary-feeding practices, not-receiving lack of maternal-education, lack of hand-washing practices by the mother/caregiver, paternal tobacco use, lower socioeconomic-status, food-insecurity, lack of access to hygienic-latrine and/or improved-water, Monsoon season Eastern part of Bangladesh, and urban-slum. Conclusions: The risk/associated factors of wasting among U-5 children in Bangladesh were found at various multilevel. Rarely caused by any one factor alone, wasting in U-5 children results from an interplay between pregnant-mother's health and nutrition, child-caring practices, diets, poverty, and disease, which vary by context.