Tomato is widely cultivated all over the world, and long-term monoculture has resulted in decreased tomato yields and stunted plant growth. Soil bacterial communities have a profound effect on plant growth and health, and the effect of different planting years on rhizosphere soil microorganisms of tomato is not clear. In this study, metagenomic sequencing was used to analyze the rhizosphere soil microorganisms of tomatoes cultivated continuously for 3, 6 years (short-term continuous cropping), 9, and 12 years (long-term continuous cropping) (LZ3, LZ6, LZ9, LZ12). The results showed that the pH in LZ9 was significantly higher than that in the other treatments, the relative abundance of Planctomycetes and Candidatus Rokubacteria in LZ3 were higher than those in the other treatments, the relative abundance of Proteobacteria was significantly higher in LZ6 and LZ9 than that in the other treatments, and the relative abundance of Chloroflexi and Bacteroidetes in LZ12 were higher than those in the other treatments. At the genus level, the relative abundance of Nocardioides, Sphingomonas, Pseudolabrys were lower in LZ3 than that in other treatments, and the relative abundance of Gaiella was significantly higher in short-term continuous cropping than that in LZ9. The pH, hydrolyzable nitrogen (HN), and available potassium (AK) were the most important factors driving the changes in microbial communities. The relative abundance of amino acid metabolism, terpenoid and polyketide metabolism decreased significantly with years of continuous cropping, and that total nitrogen (TN), HN, and available phosphorus (AP) were significantly correlated with translation, amino acid metabolism, and cell growth and death. Continuous cropping leads to nutrient imbalance in tomato soils, which affects the structure and functional composition of soil microbial communities, providing insights into microbial community response to continuous tomato cropping, but further in-depth studies are needed.