The vast region of North East Asia is covered by primary mixed conifer-broadleaved forests which include a range of different tree species. A key factor in the dynamics of these ecosystems is wind disturbance. According to reports, this factor will be increasingly important as a result of the poleward migration of tropical cyclones, a characteristic of which is strong wind. At the same time, global climate change may reduce the recovery potency of some species and lead to new combinations of species. Gmelin Larch is one of the key early succession species in the north of the region. In the southeastern part of its range (Russian Far East), this species has not been widely studied by dendroclimatologists and there are no dendroecological studies available. This study shows how the seasonal growth of Larix gmelinii responds to changes in climate, specifically to variations in precipitation and temperature. The study has established that these trees are more affected by rising temperatures than by consistent precipitation levels, provided there is no shortage of water. Interestingly, after the 1970s there was a change in the climate sensitivity of Larix gmelinii in June (the month with the strongest correlation). It went from a negative correlation with temperature to a positive correlation with precipitation. By using tree ring data, we were able to reconstruct the past history of forest disturbance. The peaks in this chronology coincide with those in earlier published dendroecological reconstructions for other species. They indicate that the radial growth of larch is sensitive to canopy changes. We recorded two release peaks in the 1960s and 2000s, during the period of meteorological observations. We attributed the first peak to the most powerful tropical cyclone Emma (1956). We assume also that the second peak reflects the recent intensification of tropical cyclones in the region. In our opinion, the change in microclimate as a result of disturbance has altered the relationship to climate in such a way that disturbance may cause tree growth to be dependent on precipitation. At the same time, such low correlations do not support a conclusion about the strong negative influence of the current climate on the trees.