Purpose: To characterize the histologic and molecular subtype distribution of, and survival from, breast cancer (BC) among Canadian women overall, and by stage and age at diagnosis. Methods: Invasive BC cases from the Canadian Cancer Registry for women aged 15-99 years between 2012 and 2017 in Canada, excluding Quebec, were examined using pre-existing mortality linkages. Stage at diagnosis, molecular, and histologic subtypes, and 5-year net survival (NS) by age, subtype, and stage were determined. Results: 107,271 women with BC were included. Luminal A was the most common subtype, present in increasing proportions as women aged, up to a maximum of 55% of cases in 70-74. Ductal and luminal A were most likely to be diagnosed at stage I, while HER2+ had the highest proportion of diagnosis at stage III; triple negative (TN) and unknown had the highest proportion of stage IV. For all stages combined, luminal A had a five-year NS of 98%, while TN was 74%. NS for stage I BC was 99-100% for all subtypes, excepting TN, which was 96%. Survival decreased with advancing stage, most markedly for TN, for which stage III was 47% and stage IV 7%. Survival by equivalent stage and subtype was comparable across age groups but declined in older age categories. Conclusions: The varying natural histories of BC subtypes and histologies can inform prognoses, health system economics, and screening practices. The NS of 96% or greater for stage I, regardless of subtype, highlights the importance of early detection for all subtypes of BC, especially in aggressive subtypes.