This research aimed to explore the effects of application of a metacognitive strategy using socioscientific issues (SSI) in context on students' science process skills. The metacognitive strategy consisted of four stages, namely: preparing, doing, checking, and assessing & following up, abbreviated as MS-PDCA. The method used was a quasi-experiment with a pretest-posttest control group design. This research involved three classes of the eleventh-grade mathematics and sciences program at a government secondary school, in Malang, Indonesia. Two experimental classes were taught using metacognitive strategy with context socioscientific issues (MS-PDCA SSI) & metacognitive strategy (MS-PDCA), while one control class was taught with expository strategy (ES). To evaluate students' progress, the Science Process Skills Test (r=0.823) was used as the research instrument. Data analysis techniques were carried out using the One Wa y ANOVA test and N-gain & d-effectsize analysis. The results showed that 1) students taught with the MS-PDCA SSI showed higher improvements in their science process skills compared to those taught with MS-PDCA strategy and ES. 2) MS-PDCA SSI learning strategy was found to be effective in improving students' science process skills, particularly when applied to learning materials that are related to daily life