Objective: This study aims to investigate the relationship between childhood trauma and dysfunctional attitudes in individuals diagnosed with unipolar depression. Method: Two hundred patients diagnosed with unipolar depression were included in the study and comorbid diagnoses were determined with the help of a structured clinical interview (SCID-I) for DSM-IV axis-I disorders. Sociodemographic data form, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), and Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (DAS) were applied to the individuals included in the study. Results: More than half (66,5%) of the individuals followed up due to unipolar depression had childhood trauma, the most common childhood trauma was emotional neglect (%57,5). While there was a positive correlation between DAS total score and physical neglect (p=0,027, r=0,205), emotional abuse(p=0,007, r=0,208) and physical abuse (p=0,039, r=0,124) score, there was a positive correlation between DAS independent attitude and emotional neglect (p=0,044, r=0,223), physical neglect (p=0,007, r=0,205) and emotional abuse(p=0,010, r=0,173), and a positive correlation between DAS perfectionism and emotional abuse(p=0,010, r=0,219) and physical abuse (p=0,029, r=0,139). In the logistic regression analysis, in the age-adjusted model, it was determined that the number of depressive episodes in those with CTQ was 1.39 times (p=0.02, 95% CI= 1.04-1.85) higher than in those without CTQ. Discussion: As far as we know, it is one of the rare studies in the literature examining the relationship between DAS subscales and childhood trauma subscales. It was found that physical and emotional neglect from childhood traumas was associated with the development of an independent dysfunctional attitude, and emotional and physical abuse was associated with the development of a perfectionist dysfunctional attitude. We believe that addressing cognitive distortions in the light of this information in the follow-up and treatment of these patients may contribute positively to treatment response and prognosis.