Accumulating evidence suggests that rhythmic temporal cues in the environment influence the encoding of information into long-term memory. Here, we test the hypothesis that these mnemonic effects of rhythm reflect the coupling of high-frequency (gamma) oscillations to entrained lower-frequency oscillations synchronized to the beat of the rhythm. In Study 1, we first test this hypothesis in the context of global effects of rhythm on memory, when memory is superior for visual stimuli presented in rhythmic compared with arrhythmic patterns at encoding [Jones, A., & Ward, E. V. Rhythmic temporal structure at encoding enhances recognition memory, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 31, 1549-1562, 2019]. We found that rhythmic presentation of visual stimuli during encoding was associated with greater phase-amplitude coupling (PAC) between entrained low-frequency (delta) oscillations and higher-frequency (gamma) oscillations. In Study 2, we next investigated cross-frequency PAC in the context of local effects of rhythm on memory encoding, when memory is superior for visual stimuli presented in-synchrony compared with out-of-synchrony with a background auditory beat [Hickey, P., Merseal, H., Patel, A. D., & Race, E. Memory in time: Neural tracking of low-frequency rhythm dynamically modulates memory formation. Neuroimage, 213, 116693, 2020]. We found that the mnemonic effect of rhythm in this context was again associated with increased cross-frequency PAC between entrained low-frequency (delta) oscillations and higher-frequency (gamma) oscillations. Furthermore, the magnitude of gamma power modulations positively scaled with the subsequent memory benefit for in- versus out-of-synchrony stimuli. Together, these results suggest that the influence of rhythm on memory encoding may reflect the temporal coordination of higher-frequency gamma activity by entrained low-frequency oscillations.