Studies have reported sex and age differences in self-rated health. On average, women rate their health as being poorer compared to men, and older individuals report poorer health than younger individuals. The current study evaluated sex and age differences for self-reported immune fitness, i.e. the capacity of the body to respond to health challenges (such as infections) by activating an appropriate immune response in order to promote health and prevent and resolve disease. Data from different survey studies (N = 8586) were combined for the current analyses. N = 8064 participants (93.3%) completed the single-item scale to assess momentary immune fitness (mean (Standard deviation, SD) age of 32.4 (16.7) years old, range: 18 to 103, 68.0% women) and N = 4263 participants (49.7%) completed the Immune Status Questionnaire (ISQ) to assess past year's immune fitness (mean (SD) age of 40.9 (17.1) years old, range: 18 to 103, 61.1% women). The analyses revealed that women rated their momentary and past year's immune fitness significantly lower than men (p p < 0.001). A small but significant decline in momentary immune fitness when aging was found (r =-0.073, p < 0.001). In contrast, past year's immune fitness steadily improved with progressing age (r = 0.295, p < 0.001), and for each age group the difference from the 18-24 years old group was statistically significant (p p < 0.001). When using age as covariate, the sex differences in immune fitness remained significant for both momentary immune fitness (p p < 0.001) and past year's immune fitness (p p < 0.001). In conclusion, women report a poorer momentary and past year's immune fitness than men. The sex effects in immune fitness are robust and seen across all age groups except the elderly. A relative stable momentary immune fitness was found across the age groups. However, past year's immune fitness (assessments with the ISQ) improved with age. This observation may be related to the fact that the studies comprised convenience samples. Therefore, the observed age effects should be interpreted with caution and require further investigation in nationally representative samples.