The safety, comfort, and sustainability of the nighttime lighting environment in residential areas become increasingly the focus of social concern. This study integrates remote sensing observations, ground measurements, perception evaluations, and grading maps to compare the data of different residential areas, achieving perceptual performance assessment and energy-saving optimization of the lighting environment. The main researches include (1) Comparison of the Feeling of Safety (FoS) and Perceived Lighting Quality (PLQ) in the nighttime light environments of Dalian's residential areas by contrasting characteristics between high and low illuminated neighborhoods, new and old neighborhoods, open and enclosed neighborhoods, and internal and peripheral roads, (2)Establishment of a lighting environment perceptual evaluation model, proposing illuminance ranges for overall residential areas (6.67-17.97 lx), peripheral roads (8.79-24.50 lx), and internal roads (6.45-16.21 lx), (3) Construction a ground horizontal illuminance inversion model for Dalian and generate FoS and PLQ perception grading maps, (4) Within the scope of the study, the residential areas with insufficient, moderate, and excessive lighting account for 24 %, 56 %, and 20 %, respectively. This study provides effective strategies for reducing energy consumption, ensuring nighttime safety, and enhancing the comfort of living and helps to timely identify potential risk points that do not meet the perceptual standards.