In order to connect heterogeneous nodes, objects, and smart devices of a network, such as e-transportation, e-health, e-education, e-home, and e-grip, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as an efficient technology. This technology makes things easier, safer, and more productive for us all. These nodes are often resource-constrained because of their involvement in a huge network of heterogeneous devices, making them the weakest link in the chain for a cyber attacker because they generate enormous amounts of data despite a number of limitations, including memory, power, and low processor of the device. So these limitations make IoT devices vulnerable to a variety of security attacks. In this paper, we presented a survey on attacks IoT countermeasures, systematic reviews, and analyses of various IoT attacks that are occurring, classified them, discussed their defences, and identified the most significant IoT attacks countermeasures. A state-of-the-art analysis of the different attacks, including their effectiveness and degree of damage in IoT devices, has been given and contrasted. We identify the advantages and disadvantages of IoT Attack Countermeasures and proposed a Novel IoT Attack Countermeasures. Finally, we identify the open-research issue in the domain and provide directions for future research.