The subject of the analysis were the climatic and bioclimatic conditions of the mountainous areas in Central Europe from 2005 to 2022. The study was conducted based on meteorological data from 4 stations located in 2 mountain ranges in Central Europe, which were obtained from the Ogimet database. The analysis examined the course of mean air temperature, winter days, precipitation, snow cover, wind speed, horizontal visibility, as well as the number of days with thunderstorms and fog. Subsequently, bioclimatic indices were analyzed based on the wind chill index (WCI) and the climate severity index by Osokin (So). The results confirm an increase in mean air temperature and a decrease in the number of winter days. The most significant change in mean annual air temperature was recorded at the Carphatian stations: Varful Omu (0.59 degrees C/10 years) and & agrave;omnica (0.49 degrees C/10 years). The largest change in the WCI value was recorded at the Carpathian station Varful Omu (51 W/m2/10 years), while the So index was 1.4/10 years.