Technology adoption is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. This qualitative study employed the grounded theory approach to evaluate the barriers to adopting information and communication technology (ICT) among older adults. The study population included all older adults referred to an adult day care center and Comprehensive Health Centers in Shiraz, Iran, from February 2022 to March 2023. Data collection was performed using semi-structured interviews, field notes, and observation. The data were analyzed using the Corbin and Strauss approach. The four main categories extracted were as follows: technology, cultural, social, and personal factors. A total of 13 subcategories were identified, including software characteristics, hardware characteristics, perceived complexity of work, dealing with cultural norms, lack of cyberspace culture, digital divide, ageism, elder abuse, poverty, hand weakness, declining sensory functions, age-related cognitive changes, and the psychological factors. The results found in the present study indicate that there are many barriers to ICT adoption among older adults. Increased awareness and knowledge among community members about the aging process could help reduce negative stereotypes among older adults during the adoption of ICT. Also, educating the community about the proper use of social networks can effectively reduce the harassment of older adults in this space. On the other hand, the results of this study can guide ICT designers in making devices that are more suitable for the needs of older adults.