This study aimed to analyse the physicochemical, structural, functional, and thermal properties of flour from two indigenous Ethiopian Potato (Plectranthus edulis) varieties, Chanqua and Loffo, and to compare with wheat flour (WF). The study also investigated how oven and sun drying methods affected the physicochemical properties of the flours. The results demonstrated a significant distinction (p <= 0.05) between the flour samples and WF, attributable to variations in both the varieties and the drying methods except that no significant difference in pH was observed due to the varieties, and the fibre and ash content did not vary significantly with the drying methods. The moisture content (MC) of the flours ranged from 5.72 % in oven-dried Chanqua Ethiopian potato flour (OD-CEPF) to 7.53 % in sun-dried Loffo Ethiopian potato flour (SD-LEPF), both of which were lower compared to WF. The protein content varied from 4.47 % (SD-CEPF) to 5.93 % (OD-LEPF). FTIR tests revealed a significant impact on the structural changes, leading to variations in the location and intensity of infrared absorption peaks, particularly in sensitive regions. Whereas, the XRD patterns showed characteristic B-type diffraction, with a relative crystallinity (RC) of 31.97 % in CEPF and 30.53 % in LEPF having a significant difference (p <= 0.05) between them. LEPF had better flow properties than CEPF, with lower Hausner ratio (HR) (1.16 vs. 1.25), Carr's index (CI) (14.51 % vs. 20.26 %), and angle of repose (31.00 degrees vs. 34.67 degrees). It also showed significantly higher (p <= 0.05) water absorption capacity (WAC), oil absorption capacity (OAC) and swelling power (SP) properties than CEPF. The study also indicated notable distinctions in the thermal and paring properties of flours. The oven drying method was found to be superior in enhancing the physicochemical properties, with LEPF showing better physicochemical, functional, structural, and thermal properties than CEPF.