Background Patients who undergo treatment for hematologic malignancies may experience a decline in sexual health, alterations in sexual functioning, and reproductive capacity during survivorship. Aim This study investigated the prevalence of sexual dysfunction and factors influencing sexual activity and functioning in patients with hematologic malignancies, to identify potential targets for interventions in clinical practice. Methods This nationwide cross-sectional study included adult patients diagnosed with a hematologic malignant disease in Denmark in the period from January 20, 2013, to August 20, 2022. Eligible participants received electronic questionnaires through their officially assigned digital mailbox. Outcomes Outcomes included the Female Sexual Function Index, International Index of Erectile Function, Female Sexual Distress Scale-Revised, European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire-Sexual Health, and European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire. Results A total of 362 patients, on average 5.7 +/- 3.4 years postdiagnosis, completed the questionnaires. Of these, 52.5% women and 73.2% men reported sexual dysfunction, with more women (40.9%) than men (34.1%) being sexually inactive. Across gender, this was significantly more prevalent in patients >65 years of age and in those with a low quality of life. In addition, for women a significant association with fatigue and sleep difficulties was observed. In total, 40.3% reported sexual-related personal distress, with the highest proportion among patients 40 to 65 years of age. Most patients (98.7%) with sexual dysfunction had not discussed sexual issues with their healthcare professional. Clinical implications It is hoped that knowledge from this study will help healthcare professionals in clinical practice and encourage them to proactively address and discuss sexual health issues with their patients, irrespective of age. Strengths and Limitations Sexually inactive participants may reduce the overall score of sexual function in the scoring of both the Female Sexual Function Index and International Index of Erectile Function. We therefore analyzed sexual function in a subgroup analysis in only those being sexually active to emphasize that level of dysfunction persists in sexually active participants. Conclusion Patients report a high prevalence of sexual dysfunction, sexual distress, and gender-specific sexual symptoms following diagnosis and treatment of a malignant hematologic disease, impacting their quality of life. Sexual Health in Patients With Hematologic Malignancies; NCT05222282;