Technology has catalysed significant changes in modes of learning and instruction methodologies, encompassing various practices such as distance, online, and blended delivery of instruction. Design education, rooted in traditional studio models that rely on continual interaction and reflection over student projects, has faced challenges in embracing these approaches seen in other disciplines. While online and blended learning methods present transformative possibilities for instructors, the distinctive characteristics of design education pose barriers to their seamless adoption. This scoping review delves into the landscape of scholarly research concerning technology-enhanced practices in design studio pedagogy, examining trends, gaps, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on studio research and practice. Conducting an extensive review and content analysis of 156 articles spanning various design domains, including architecture, urban design, interior design, industrial design, and visual communication design, this study meticulously documents the practices, and research approaches employed. It also outlines prevalent research themes regarding how technology can augment the learner experience in undergraduate design studios. Following a brief summary of the literature on technology-enhanced approaches in design education, we introduce the review methodology and analysis. Subsequently, we present findings regarding trends and topics in technology-enhanced studio practices. Finally, we offer discussions and recommendations for research and practice to enrich the teaching and learning experience in the design studio context.