The presence of aggression is an enduring concern that affects many domains of one's life. In those with repeated aggressive behavior, it is especially difficult to treat. Identification and treatment of underlying factors is pivotal to reduce aggression. Schema therapy offers an effective approach to treating these underlying elements, which are conceptualized as early maladaptive schemas (EMS). The confirmation of EMS' prediction of aggression enables effective identification and treatment through this therapeutic approach. Adult participants completed the Young Schema Questionnaire - S3, Personality Inventory for the DSM5 - Brief Form, and the Buss Perry Aggression Questionnaire. Results for a general sample of 124 participants supported that total EMS, EMS domains, and personality traits were all predictive of aggression. EMS were the most predictive in the aggression domain of hostility, R-2 = .37, p < .001. Personality traits were found to be more predictive than EMS for aggression, R-2 = .76, p = .001. However, the use of schema domains provides a more specific understanding of both the manifestation of aggression and translates directly to treatment through schema theory.