This study introduced the concept of inter-minority empathy, defined as empathy for the experiences of other minorities based on one's own experience as a minority, derived from interviews with LGBTQ+ allies. In addition, it developed the Inter-Minority Empathy Scale to measure this concept. The scale's reliability and validity were examined, and hypothesis testing was conducted. In Study 1, the Minority Perception Scale, measuring the degree of awareness of one's minority situation, and the Inter-Minority Empathy Scale were developed, and their reliability and validity were evaluated and confirmed with 60 graduate students. In Study 2, three hypotheses were formulated and tested using a survey of 150 Japanese undergraduate and graduate students. The affirmative minority experience and interest in other minorities were positively correlated, supporting Hypothesis 1. Furthermore, inter-minority empathy was positively correlated with the individual's number of minority statuses and with being a visible and easily recognizable minority, supporting Hypotheses 2 and 3, respectively. The lack of positive experiences as minorities did not affect these associations. This concept can be applied not only to LGBTQ+ people but also to other minorities. Developing this concept would allow minority groups to understand the dynamics of discrimination and oppression experienced by other groups.