BACKGROUND: Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (PXA) (World Health Organization grade II) is classified as a relatively benign and circumscribed glioma; however, anaplastic PXA (APXA, World Health Organization grade III) has a poorer prognosis, and differentiating from glioblastoma can be difficult both histologically and molecularly. OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical, pathological, and molecular characteristics of diffusely infiltrating gliomas with histological APXA-like features. METHODS: Four diffusely infiltrating gliomas in adult patients histologically diagnosed as APXAs at a single institute were retrospectively reviewed. We analyzed their clinical, radiological, pathological, genetic, epigenetic, and prognostic characteristics. RESULTS: All tumors histologically showed classical characteristic PXA-like appearance with BRAF wildtype, mitotic figure, necrosis, and an increased mindbomb E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase 1 labeling index and were initially diagnosed as APXAs; moreover, they underwent high-grade glioma treatment. Three patients with TERT promotor mutations died within 18 months. These patients' MRIs showed widespread infiltrating fluid-attenuated inversion recovery hyperintense lesions and Gd-enhancing lesions in the bilateral cerebral hemispheres in 2 of the patients. Contrastingly, a patient with the wildtype TERT promotor has survived for 2.5 years without recurrence. MRI revealed an unilateral fluid-attenuated inversion recovery hyperintense and Gd-enhancing lesion. By methylation classifier analysis, all 4 cases clustered toward GBM, IDH-wildtype, mesenchymal type, although one was deemed unclassifiable due to a low calibrated score. CONCLUSION: In diffusely infiltrating gliomas showing histological characteristics of APXA, methylation classification should be performed as these tumors may be difficult to differentiate between glioblastoma, IDH-wildtype by histological or genetic analysis. The aggressive nature of these tumors should be expected, especially in cases that are BRAF-wildtype and TERT promotor mutant.