High-resolution and high-squint spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) system has excellent earth observation performance. However, high-squint spaceborne SAR data is more challenging to process than the general broadside counterpart because of the severe range-azimuth coupling (RAC). Whereas the classic linear range walk correction (LRWC) method can handle this problem, it is performed in azimuth time-domain and seriously constrains azimuth swath width. In this article, a decoupled hybrid correlation Algorithm (DHCA), combining the range-azimuth decoupling (RAD) in 2-D frequency domain with the modified hybrid correlation (MHC), is proposed to handle sliding spotlight spaceborne SAR data of high-squint angle case. The decoupled hybrid correlation (DHC) is the main body of the proposed algorithm, and it starts with RAD filtering in 2-D frequency domain, which is designed to eliminate the majority of the range cell migration (RCM) and RAC caused by high-squint angles. A nonlinear chirp scaling (NLCS) in range direction is subsequently performed to equalize the variant range chirp rate caused by residual RCM and RAC. Coarse range compression can then be realized uniformly by the range-matched filtering. The NLCS operation and range coarse compression ensure that the range-Doppler (RD) signals of all targets within the whole scene occupy very narrow range cell scopes. By making full use of the principle of stationary point (POSP) to signals, the range compression position and range frequency mapping relationship after NLCS can be derived. The MHC can therefore be fulfilled by extracting the RD signals along the residual RCM and constructing the reference correlation function after the range NLCS. Thus, both the efficiency and the accuracy of focusing processing are guaranteed. Simulations are carried out to validate the proposed algorithm.