As a vital part of contemporary society, steel lattice transmission towers and communication towers play an important role in the power transmission grid and telecommunication, respectively. Being often located in rural areas, they are prone to bushfire attacks due to heatwaves and droughts, which are becoming increasingly commonplace. However, unlike the steel members found in a lattice tower, the behaviour and material properties of which at elevated temperatures have been comprehensively studied and codified in design standards, the semirigid behaviour of the bolted connection between such members at elevated temperatures has not been investigated thoroughly. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate both the axial and rotational behaviour of single-leg bolted steel angle connections at both ambient and elevated temperatures. A theoretical model using the component method is firstly proposed to model the axial load-slip behaviour incorporating the temperature increase, with the effects of the bolt shear, plate bearing, friction between clamped members, bolt slip, and member elongation being considered. Once the axial load-slip model is proposed, the component-based model for describing the moment-rotation behaviour of the bolted connection is derived based on the load-deformation relations of individual bolts in the bolt group. The reliability of the theoretical model is then validated by modelling the connection behaviour obtained from previous connection test results. A three-dimensional finite element model is also constructed using ABAQUS software to further validate the accuracy of the proposed theoretical model for predicting the axial and rotational behaviour of single-leg bolted angle connections at elevated temperatures. It is demonstrated that the proposed component-based theoretical model for the bolted angle connection accounting for axial and rotational semi-rigidity as well as temperature elevation is capable of effectively capturing the load-deformation relationship for the single-leg bolted angle steel connections, and would be applicable to the study of steel lattice towers under bushfire attack.