Foreshore slope is crucial in designing beach berm nourishment schemes and understanding coastal responses to wave forces. Beach berm nourishment often suffers from a high loss rate, necessitating theoretical research and design parameter comparison to mitigate these losses early on. This study uses Bagnold's energy conservation method and the small-angle approximation method to establish a relationship between cross-shore sediment transport and foreshore slope. The feedback mechanism between these factors shows that when the foreshore slope is fewer than 10 degrees, a smaller initial slope results in a reduced rate of sediment transport. Over time, the foreshore slope decreases and eventually reaches equilibrium, promoting the formation of an offshore sandbar, which helps reduce sediment loss. Using data from Guanhu Beach in Dapeng Bay, this study constructs a realistic numerical beach model to simulate the dynamic behavior of beach profiles with varying foreshore slopes under the influence of monsoon waves and storm surges. The simulation results support the feedback mechanism findings, demonstrating that profiles with minimal foreshore slopes experience the least initial sediment loss, thus facilitating sandbar formation more effectively. These insights can inform beach berm nourishment strategies, emphasizing early-stage efforts to expand beach areas and reduce sediment loss.