This study investigates whether members of different socio-demographic groups differ significantly in their average results on conceptual variables related to following sports clubs on social networks. Socio-demographic variables such as age, education level, work status, and frequency of attending matches were recoded to compare groups. The findings revealed significant differences between male and female fans in terms of extrinsic motivation and attention. Female fans showed higher scores on extrinsic motivation dimensions, including Integration, Social interaction, Empowerment, and Reward, while male fans scored higher on the Attention dimension. Moreover, younger and older fans differed significantly on eight latent dimensions, including motivators, identification, engagement, and outcome. Younger fans were more motivated by Personal Identity, Rewards, and Information, while older fans were more motivated by Empowerment. Furthermore, individuals with different levels of education differed significantly in terms of the information dimension. Those with lower education levels followed sports clubs on social networks more for informational purposes, while those with higher education levels were less motivated by information. Lastly, employees and students showed significant differences in their average results on motivators, identification, engagement, and outcome. Students were more motivated by Personal Identity, Rewards, and Information, while employees were more satisfied with the social network of the sports club. These findings provide valuable insights into the differences among socio-demographic groups in their motivations, engagement, and outcomes related to following sports clubs on social networks. Understanding these differences can help sports clubs tailor their social media strategies to better engage with their target audience.