Aim: The aim is to evaluate the association of personality traits, online activities, and psychiatric comorbidities with the Internet use disorder. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 481 professional college students (18-25 years) pursuing graduation. Participants responded to an online questionnaire consisting of Young's Internet addiction test, Internet Gaming Disorder scale-short form, Big Five inventory and behavioral inhibition system/behavioral activation system scales (BIS/BAS) scales, and subsequent in-clinic evaluation using MINI 7.0.2 questionnaire. Results: Of 481 college students, 175 (36.38%) had Internet use disorder. Of these, 115 were found to have mild, 57 moderate, and 3 severe Internet use disorders with a mean age of 20.85 +/- 1.84 years and sex ratio of M:F: 0.9:1. The prevalence of Internet gaming disorder was found to be 0.42%. On multivariate logistic regression, use of chat rooms (odds ratio [OR] - 1.24), instant messaging (OR - 1.33), Internet gaming (OR - 1.25), and recreational surfing (OR - 1.25) were independent predictors for Internet use disorder. Among the personality traits, on multivariate logistic regression, neuroticism (OR - 1.06) and openness to experience (OR - 1.09) were positive predictors for the presence of Internet use disorder and moderate-severe Internet use, while conscientiousness (OR - 0.87) was negative predictor. 19.4% (34/175) of students had psychiatric comorbidities (1 comorbidity - 21 students, >1 comorbidities - 13 students); the most common being major depression (alone or in combination). Conclusions: In this study, neuroticism and openness to experience were found to be predictors of Internet use disorder as well as moderate-severe Internet use. In addition, the use of chat rooms, instant messaging, online gaming, and recreational surfing was associated with higher Internet use disorder. A large proportion of psychiatric comorbidities with Internet use disorder were found.