Qatar National Museum;
Transit-oriented development;
D O I:
TU [建筑科学];
0813 ;
Doha, the capital city of Qatar, has experienced remarkable urban growth over the last two decades. This raises concerns regarding the city's fulfillment of compactness, complexity, and connectivity. This paper considers transit-oriented development (TOD) as a potential tool to attain a sustainable and diverse urban landscape in a situated context. Qualitative research methods, which include observations and mapping, are employed to gain a deeper understanding of the physical aspects of a situated context in the neighborhood of Al-Slata, Doha. Specifically, this paper aims to investigate the implementation of TOD in metro station precincts within Al-Slata based on five design aspects: (1) walkability; (2) balance of ground use; (3) mixed-use spaces; (4) intermodality and transportation hubs; and (5) a public transportation network. The findings include a lack of complexity and connectivity between urban activities and spaces adjacent to the metro station. In addition, these findings demonstrate the potential of metro stations to preserve the cultural heritage and social identity in a rapidly developing city like Doha. The recommendations include a layout design proposal to increase connectivity and complexity within the situated context and suggestions on how transit nodes and metro stations could become active hubs within the city.