Information on soil loss and sediment export is essential to identify vulnerable area of soil erosion and to inform conservation interventions in a given watershed. The goal of this study was to analyze the changes in soil loss and sediment exports in the Rib watershed of Ethiopia's Upper Blue Nile Basin. The study used spatial data by using a variety of data sources, including topographic maps, soil maps, meteorological data, and satellite images. Cultivated land, forests, grazing areas, shrubs, water bodies, and settlements were all identified in the study watershed. Soil loss and sediment export were calculated using the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoff (In -VEST) model. The model was calibrated using the sediment yield data gathered in the sample watersheds. The results reveal that while the equivalent sediment export grew from 6.54 t/ha/ year to 11.05 t/ha/year in 2000 and 2020, respectively, the average soil loss increased from 22.37 t/ha/year in 2000 to 33.38 t/ha/year in 2020. The largest rate of soil erosion was seen on cultivated land, which increased from 40.86 t/ha/year in 2000 to 53.9 t/ha/year in 2020. This relates to the expansion of the agricultural land. The soil loss and sediment export rates in subwatersheds three (SW -3) and five (SW -5) were the highest, at 61.80 and 63.48 t/ha/year and 18.75 and 19.35 t/ha/year, respectively. The least amount of soil loss occurs in sub -watershed twelve (SW -12) (2.56 t/ha/year). This is because SW -12 is situated in the watershed's lower reaches fogera plain parts of the watershed experiencing less erosion. The result concluded that prioritizing those sub -watersheds is important for informed decision -making processes.