Project-based learning (PBL) is an active learning methodology proposed in the early 20th century. Nevertheless, it continues to be a very suitable methodology for the current generation of students. Probably, it is more relevant now than before, since recent generations are more motivated by these learning methodologies. This is due to the fact that today ' s students are totally absorbed by technologies that, in spite of being useful, are a cause of distraction, in particular in what concerns the most important objective: learning. With PBL, many learning aspects could be explored, from the integration of course content to provide the technical to the transversal competencies such as: critical thinking, teamwork, personal relationship, project management and emotional intelligence development. PBL is used in the Integrated Project of Industrial Engineering and Management 1 (IPIEM1) course. IPIEM1 is an interdisciplinary project developed during a semester by teams of freshman students. These teams should apply the contents and knowledge learned in the five project support courses to develop the IPIEM1. Eight teams were formed with seven to nine members. The project theme involves sustainability and in the year of 2022/23 was to design a production system to value end-of-life clothes. Among other deliverables, student teams must review a report from a different team. This paper discusses the critical thinking developed by the student who undertake this report peer-review by analyzing the feedback given, questionnaire and technical aspects checklist and reports content results.