Optical Spectroscopy of Type Ia Supernovae by the Carnegie Supernova Projects I and II

Morrell, N. [1 ]
Phillips, M. M. [1 ]
Folatelli, G. [2 ,3 ]
Stritzinger, M. D. [4 ]
Hamuy, M. [5 ]
Suntzeff, N. B. [6 ]
Hsiao, E. Y. [7 ]
Taddia, F. [4 ]
Burns, C. R. [8 ]
Hoeflich, P. [7 ]
Ashall, C. [9 ]
Contreras, C. [1 ]
Galbany, L. [10 ,11 ]
Lu, J. [7 ]
Piro, A. L. [8 ]
Anais, J. [1 ]
Baron, E. [12 ,13 ,14 ]
Burrow, A. [14 ]
Busta, L. [1 ]
Campillay, A. [1 ,15 ]
Castellon, S. [1 ]
Corco, C. [1 ,16 ]
Diamond, T. [7 ,17 ]
Freedman, W. L. [18 ,19 ]
Gonzalez, C. [1 ]
Krisciunas, K. [6 ]
Kumar, S. [7 ]
Persson, S. E. [8 ]
Seron, J. [20 ]
Shahbandeh, M. [7 ]
Torres, S. [16 ]
Uddin, S. A. [21 ]
Anderson, J. P. [22 ,23 ]
Baltay, C. [24 ]
Gall, C. [4 ,25 ]
Goobar, A. [26 ]
Hadjiyska, E. [24 ]
Holmbo, S. [4 ]
Kasliwal, M. [27 ]
Lidman, C. [28 ]
Marion, G. H. [29 ]
Mazzali, P. A. [30 ,31 ]
Nugent, P. [32 ,33 ]
Perlmutter, S. [32 ,33 ]
Pignata, G. [34 ]
Rabinowitz, D. [24 ]
Roth, M. [1 ,35 ]
Ryder, S. D. [36 ,37 ]
Shappee, B. J. [38 ]
Vinko, J. [29 ,39 ,40 ,41 ]
[1] Campanas Observ, Carnegie Observ, Casilla 601, La Serena, Chile
[2] Inst Astrofis La Plata IALP, La Plata, Argentina
[3] Univ Nacl La Plata UNLP, Fac Ciencias Astron & Geofis FCAG, Paseo Bosque S-N, RA-1900 La Plata, Argentina
[4] Aarhus Univ, Dept Phys & Astron, Ny Munkegade 120, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
[5] Fdn Chilena Astron, Santiago, Chile
[6] Texas A&M Univ, George P & Cynthia Woods Mitchell Inst Fundamenta, Dept Phys & Astron, College Stn, TX 77843 USA
[7] Florida State Univ, Dept Phys, 77 Chieftan Way, Tallahassee, FL 32306 USA
[8] Observ Carnegie Inst Sci, 813 St Barbara St, Pasadena, CA 91101 USA
[9] Virginia Polytech Inst & State Univ, Dept Phys, 850 West Campus, Blacksburg, VA 24061 USA
[10] Spai, Campus UAB,Carrer Can Magrans s-n, E-08193 Barcelona, Spain
[11] Inst Estudis Espacials Catalunya IEEC, E-08034 Barcelona, Spain
[12] Planetary Sci Inst, 1700 East Ft Lowell Rd,Suite 106, Tucson, AZ 85719 USA
[13] Hamburger Sternwarte, Gojenbergsweg 112, D-21029 Hamburg, Germany
[14] Univ Oklahoma, Dept Phys & Astron, Norman, OK 73019 USA
[15] Univ Serena, Dept Fis, Cisternas 1200, La Serena, Chile
[16] SOAR Telescope, Casilla 603, La Serena, Chile
[17] NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr, Lab Observat Cosmol, Code 665, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA
[18] Univ Chicago, Dept Astron & Astrophys, 5640 South Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL 60637 USA
[19] Univ Chicago, Kavli Inst Cosmol Phys, 5640 South Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL 60637 USA
[20] Cerro Tololo Interamer Observ NSFs NOIRLab, Casilla 603, La Serena, Chile
[21] Amer Publ Univ Syst, Ctr Space Studies, 111 W Congress St, Charles Town, WV 25414 USA
[22] European Southern Observ, Alonso Cordova 3107,Casilla 19, Santiago, Chile
[23] Millennium Inst Astrophys MAS, Nuncio Monsenor Sotero Sanz 100,Off 104,Providenc, Santiago, Chile
[24] Yale Univ, Dept Phys, 217 Prospect St, New Haven, CT 06511 USA
[25] Univ Copenhagen, Niels Bohr Inst, DARK, Jagtvej 128, DK-2200 Copenhagen, Denmark
[26] Stockholm Univ, Oskar Klein Ctr, Dept Phys, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden
[27] Caltech, 1200 East Calif Blvd,MC 249-17, Pasadena, CA 91125 USA
[28] Australian Natl Univ, Res Sch Astron & Astrophys, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
[29] Univ Texas Austin, Dept Astron, 2515 Speedway Stop C1400, Austin, TX 78712 USA
[30] Liverpool John Moores Univ, Astrophys Res Inst, IC2,Liverpool Sci Pk,146 Brownlow Hill, Liverpool L3 5RF, England
[31] Max Plank Inst Astrophys, Karl-Schwarszchild Str 1, D-85748 Garching, Germany
[32] Univ Calif Berkeley, Phys Dept, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA
[33] Dept Phys, Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab, 1 Cyclotron Rd, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA
[34] Univ Tarapaca, Inst Alta Invest, Casilla 7D, Arica, Chile
[35] GMTO Corp, Presidente Riesco 5335,Of 501, Santiago, Chile
[36] Macquarie Univ, Sch Math & Phys Sci, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia
[37] Macquarie Univ, Astrophys & Space Technol Res Ctr, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia
[38] Univ Hawaii, Inst Astron, 2680 Woodlawn Dr, Honolulu, HI 96822 USA
[39] MTA Ctr Excellence, Konkoly Observ, CSFK, Konkoly Thege M Ut 15-17, H-1121 Budapest, Hungary
[40] Eotvos Lorand Univ, Inst Phys & Astron, Pazmany Peter setany 1-A, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary
[41] Univ Szeged, Dept Expt Phys, Dom Ter 9, H-6720 Szeged, Hungary
[42] LPNHE, LIP6, CNRS, 4 Pl Jussieu, F-75005 Paris, France
[43] Sorbonne Univ, 4 Pl Jussieu, F-75005 Paris, France
[44] Univ Chile, Dept Astron, Camino Observ 1515, Santiago, Chile
[45] Univ Diego Portales, Fac Ingn & Ciencias, Inst Estudios Astrofis, Ave Ejercito Libertador 441, Santiago, Chile
ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL | 2024年 / 967卷 / 01期
P1 [天文学];
0704 ;
We present the second and final release of optical spectroscopy of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) obtained during the first and second phases of the Carnegie Supernova Project (CSP-I and CSP-II). The newly released data consist of 148 spectra of 30 SNe Ia observed in the course of CSP-I and 234 spectra of 127 SNe Ia obtained during CSP-II. We also present 216 optical spectra of 46 historical SNe Ia, including 53 spectra of 30 SNe Ia observed by the Cal & aacute;n/Tololo Supernova Survey. We combine these observations with previously published CSP data and publicly available spectra to compile a large sample of measurements of spectroscopic parameters at maximum light, consisting of pseudo-equivalent widths and expansion velocities of selected features for 232 CSP and historical SNe Ia (including more than 1000 spectra). Finally, we review some of the strongest correlations between spectroscopic and photometric properties of SNe Ia. Specifically, we define two samples: one consisting of SNe Ia discovered by targeted searches (most of them CSP-I objects) and the other composed of SNe Ia discovered by untargeted searches, which includes most of the CSP-II objects. The analyzed correlations are similar for both samples. We find a larger incidence of SNe Ia belonging to the cool and broad-line Branch subtypes among the events discovered by targeted searches, shallow-silicon SNe Ia are present with similar frequencies in both samples, while core normal SNe Ia are more frequent in untargeted searches.
共 50 条
    Folatelli, Gaston
    Morrell, Nidia
    Phillips, Mark M.
    Hsiao, Eric
    Campillay, Abdo
    Contreras, Carlos
    Castellon, Sergio
    Hamuy, Mario
    Krzeminski, Wojtek
    Roth, Miguel
    Stritzinger, Maximilian
    Burns, Christopher R.
    Freedman, Wendy L.
    Madore, Barry F.
    Murphy, David
    Persson, S. E.
    Prieto, Jose L.
    Suntzeff, Nicholas B.
    Krisciunas, Kevin
    Anderson, Joseph P.
    Foerster, Francisco
    Maza, Jose
    Pignata, Giuliano
    Rojas Lobos, P. Andrea
    Boldt, Luis
    Salgado, Francisco
    Wyatt, Pamela
    Olivares, Felipe E.
    Gal-Yam, Avishay
    Sako, Masao
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    Brown, Peter J.
    Folatelli, G.
    Freedman, Wendy L.
    Galbany, Lluis
    Hoeflich, P.
    Hsiao, Eric Y.
    Krisciunas, Kevin
    Phillips, M. M.
    Piro, Anthony L.
    Suntzeff, Nicholas B.
    Uddin, Syed
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    Stritzinger, Maximilian
    Phillips, M. M.
    Hsiao, E. Y.
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    Persson, S. E.
    Folatelli, Gaston
    Boldt, Luis
    Campillay, Abdo
    Castellon, Sergio
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    Morrell, Nidia
    Salgado, Francisco
    Suntzeff, Nicholas B.
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    Holmbo, S.
    Morrell, N.
    Phillips, M. M.
    Burns, C. R.
    Castellon, S.
    Folatelli, G.
    Hamuy, M.
    Leloudas, G.
    Suntzeff, N. B.
    Anderson, J. P.
    Ashall, C.
    Baron, E.
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    Stritzinger, M. D.
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    Burns, C. R.
    Morrell, N.
    Ashall, C.
    Hsiao, E. Y.
    Galbany, L.
    Folatelli, G.
    Phillips, M. M.
    Baron, E.
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    Uddin, S.
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    Uddin, Syed A.
    Burns, Christopher R.
    Phillips, M. M.
    Suntzeff, Nicholas B.
    Contreras, Carlos
    Hsiao, Eric Y.
    Morrell, Nidia
    Galbany, Lluis
    Stritzinger, Maximilian
    Hoeflich, Peter
    Ashall, Chris
    Piro, Anthony L.
    Freedman, Wendy L.
    Persson, S. E.
    Krisciunas, Kevin
    Brown, Peter
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    Lu, Jing
    Hsiao, Eric Y.
    Phillips, Mark M.
    Burns, Christopher R.
    Ashall, Chris
    Morrell, Nidia
    Ng, Lawrence
    Kumar, Sahana
    Shahbandeh, Melissa
    Hoeflich, Peter
    Baron, E.
    Uddin, Syed
    Stritzinger, Maximilian D.
    Suntzeff, Nicholas B.
    Baltay, Charles
    Davis, Scott
    Diamond, Tiara R.
    Folatelli, Gaston
    Forster, Francisco
    Gagne, Jonathan
    Galbany, Lluis
    Gall, Christa
    Gonzalez-Gaitan, Santiago
    Holmbo, Simon
    Kirshner, Robert P.
    Krisciunas, Kevin
    Marion, G. H.
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