For the efficient management of bike-sharing systems (BSSs), accurate demand predictions are crucial to address the uneven distribution of bikes at various stations. Recent studies have explored a hierarchical prediction framework using cluster-level models to more accurately estimate demand at the station level. However, in frameworks based on hard clustering, where each station is exclusively assigned to one of several clusters, prediction accuracy tends to be lower for stations at the cluster boundaries. To improve accuracy for such stations, this study proposes a novel soft clustering algorithm for BSSs. The key idea is to allow stations to belong to multiple clusters, calculating the membership degree for each station based on transitions between stations and clusters obtained through hard clustering. This study also investigated the impact of restricting clusters to which individual stations belong based on distance or usage history. Two approaches, distance- and usage-based, were employed to determine the clusters to which each station belongs. Experimental results using Seoul Bike data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in enhancing traffic prediction accuracy within the hierarchical prediction framework. Notably, excluding clusters with minimal usage for each station using the usage-based approach yielded the best performance.