A b s tr a c t. For economic, environmental, and climatic reasons, soil cultivation methods without the use of a plough have became increasingly popular in recent decades. As research has shown, their impact on the growth and yield of crops is not always positive, especially when direct sowing is used. Recently, a new solution in the field of tillage has appeared which involves loosening the soil only within the sowing zone, which is called strip till. In the research presented in this work, this method was used for various cultivars of winter wheat on uncultivated stubble, but also after cultivation of the stubble just after harvest of a forecrop. The aim of the paper was to define the impact of the aforementioned factors on the parameters of photosynthesis, leaf area index, and water use efficiency. The range of soil cultivation after the harvest of the forecrop and cultivars influenced significantly the measured photosynthesis parameters. The impact of the cultivation method and variety on water use efficiency was small, although it should be noted that limiting the intensity of cultivation after the forecrop harvest had a temporary positive impact on the flag leaf phase. The winter wheat cultivar had an impact on the yield obtained: Formacja (0.44 t ha -1 ) and Metronom (0.37 t ha -1 ) yielded higher than Desamo. In the case of plough tillage, the yield was higher than in the case of minimum tillage and no tillage. Given the economic and environmental benefits associated with reduced fuel consumption, no tillage with a relatively slightly lower yield may be an alternative to the use of plough tillage.