Voyageurs Natl Pk, Int Falls, MN 56649 USA
Rock Creek Pk, Washington, DC 20015 USA
Catoctin Mt Pk, Oral Hist Project, Thurmont, MD USAVoyageurs Natl Pk, Int Falls, MN 56649 USA
Zenzen, Joan M.
[1] Voyageurs Natl Pk, Int Falls, MN 56649 USA
[2] Rock Creek Pk, Washington, DC 20015 USA
[3] Catoctin Mt Pk, Oral Hist Project, Thurmont, MD USA
administrative history;
National Park Service;
federal government;
intellectual integrity;
D O I:
K [历史、地理];
06 ;
This article chronicles the history of administrative histories within the National Park Service. Administrative histories describe the history of a site or a group of parks. They can be important resources for management decisions. Managers, however, often do not know about or pay attention to these documents. Some managers have even threatened the intellectual integrity of these histories. Despite these issues, administrative histories matter: they fill an acute need by park superintendents and others to inform decision making and help with reporting and preservation.