We give a new Hausdorff content bound for limsup sets, which is related to Falconer's sets of large intersection. Falconer's sets of large intersection satisfy a content bound for all balls in a space. In comparison, our main theorem only assumes a scale -invariant bound for the balls forming the limit superior set in question. We give four applications of these ideas and our main theorem: a new proof and generalization of the mass transference principle related to Diophantine approximations, a related result on random limsup sets, a new proof of Federer's characterization of sets of finite perimeter and a statement concerning generic paths and the measure theoretic boundary. The new general mass transference principle infers a content bound for one collection of balls from the content bound of another collection of sets. The benefit of our approach is greatly simplified arguments as well as new tools to estimate Hausdorff content. The new methods allow for us to dispense with many of the assumptions in prior work. Specifically, our general Mass Transference Principle, and bounds on random limsup sets, do not assume Ahlfors regularity. Further, they apply to any complete metric space. This generality is made possible by the fact that our general Hausdorff content estimate applies to limsup sets in any complete metric space. (c) 2024 The Author. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http:// creativecommons .org /licenses /by /4 .0/).