Seasonal autoregressive (SAR) time series models have been extended to fit time series exhibiting multiple seasonalities. However, hardly any research in Bayesian literature has been done on modelling multiple seasonalities. In this article, we propose a full Bayesian analysis of triple SAR (TSAR) models for time series with triple seasonality, considering identification, estimation and prediction for these TSAR models. In this Bayesian analysis of TSAR models, we assume the model errors to be normally distributed and the model order to be a random variable with a known maximum value, and we employ the g prior for the model coefficients and variance. Accordingly, we first derive the posterior mass function of the TSAR order in closed form, which then enables us to identify the best order of TSAR model as the order value with the highest posterior probability. In addition, we derive the conditional posteriors to be a multivariate normal for the TSAR coefficients and to be an inverse gamma for the TSAR variance; also, we derive the conditional predictive distribution to be a multivariate normal for future observations. Since these derived conditional distributions are in closed forms, we introduce the Gibbs sampler to present the Bayesian analysis of TSAR models and to easily produce multiple-step-ahead predictions. Using Julia programming language, we conduct an extensive simulation study, aiming to evaluate the accuracy of our proposed full Bayesian analysis for TSAR models. In addition, we apply our work on time series to hourly electricity load in some European countries.