Detailed stratigraphic reconstructions and quantitative deposit characterisations of moderate to large-scale rhyolitic eruptions are limited. This hinders our ability to model the multiple eruptive phenomena and hazards associated with rhyolitic volcanism. To gain new perspectives on the patterns and behaviours of rhyolitic eruptions, we present a study on the explosive phases of the 1314 +/- 12 CE Kaharoa eruption of Tarawera, New Zealand. The eruption occurred from multiple aligned vents within the Okataina Caldera and is the youngest rhyolitic eruption of the frequently active Taupo Volcanic Zone. We systematically quantify the deposit characteristics of the Kaharoa pyroclastic succession to provide new insights into the type of eruption sequence and eruptive style changes. Based on field evidence, stratigraphic correlations, grain size and componentry analyses, we subdivide the Kaharoa deposit into 24 units and identify 7 main deposit types, which are linked to different eruptive and depositional processes. The explosive activity was discontinuous, characterised by repeated discrete episodes of sustained magma discharge separated by short time breaks. The activity consisted mainly of repeated subplinian-type columns that gave way to fallout deposition and emplacement of numerous lapilli beds. This activity transitioned to a pyroclastic density current (PDC) dominated phase in response to lateral vent migration. Ash emission activity occurred within and towards the end of the explosive sequence, indicating declines in the eruptive intensity. Six main intra-eruption phases (A to F) of dominant eruptive styles are established to describe the temporal evolution of the eruption. Phases A, B and D are associated with the repeated subplinian-type activity. Phase C comprises the major PDC activity, while the final two Phases E and F are associated with ash emission during initiation of lava dome extrusion and to the final dome-building sequence. This study highlights the complex nature of episodic, multi-phase, and multi-vent, explosive to dome-forming rhyolitic eruptions, depicting a scenario of great relevance for future volcanic hazard studies at active rhyolitic volcanoes worldwide.