Pipe leakage in water distribution networks (WDNs) has been an emerging concern for water utilities worldwide due to its public health and economic significance. Not only does it cause significant water losses, but it also deteriorates the quality of the treated water in WDNs. Hence, a prompt response is required to avoid or minimize the eventual consequences. This raises the necessity of exploring the possible approaches for detecting and locating leaks in WDNs promptly. Currently, various leak detection methods exist, but they are not accurate and reliable in detecting leaks. This paper presents a novel GIS-based spatial machine learning technique that utilizes currently installed pressure, flow, and water quality monitoring sensors in WDNs, specifically employing the Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) and Local Outlier Factor (LOF) models, based on a WDN dataset provided by our partner utility authority. In addition to its ability as a regression model for predicting a dependent variable based on input variables, GWR was selected to help identify locations on the WDN where coefficients deviate the most from the overall coefficients. To corroborate the GWR results, the Local Outlier Factor (LOF) is used as an unsupervised machine learning model to predict leak locations based on spatial local density, where locality is given by k-nearest neighbours. The sample WDN dataset provided by our utility partner was split into 70:30 for training and testing of the GWR model. The GWR model was able to predict leaks (detection and location) with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.909. The LOF model was able to predict the leaks with a matching of 80% with the GWR results. Then, a customized GIS interface was developed to automate the detection process in real-time as the sensor's readings were recorded and spatial machine learning was used to process the readings. The results obtained demonstrate the ability of the proposed method to robustly detect and locate leaks in WDNs.