Due to the large path loss in millimeter wave (mmWave) band, the transmission path between transmitter (Tx) and intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) is considered as a Rayleigh fading channel, and a physics-based channel model is proposed for IRS-assisted mmWave communication system in urban scenario. Also, the horizontal and vertical rotation angles of IRS and the relationship between the scattering gain of IRS reflecting unit and its effective aperture in the incident direction and the desired reflection direction are considered in the proposed model. For the considered communication scenario, the existing reflection phases, which are designed to align the virtual line-of-sight (VLoS) components among Tx, IRS, and receiver (Rx) with the LoS components between Tx and Rx, are not the appropriate reflection phases. Based on the proposed model, we first obtain the statistical phases of the virtual scattering components within a cluster by minimizing phase differences between different IRS reflection units, and then obtain the reflection phases by minimizing the phase differences of the derived statistical phases for all clusters. By comparing with the existing reflection phases, the designed reflection phases can significantly enhance the system performance gains of mmWave communications. Using the designed reflection phases, the expressions of received signal power and upper bound of ergodic sum capacity are derived in this paper, which are validated by using Monte-Carlo simulation results. Numerical results show that the proposed mmWave channel model could accurately simulate the propagation characteristics of IRS. Also, numerical results show that the performance gains of IRS-assisted systems are equivalent to that of large-scale communication systems without using IRS.