Continuous improvement of the military logistics system is one of the key conditions for the proper functioning of the armed forces. The necessity to transform structures, procedures and implement new solutions in the field of logistic security of troops results directly from the changes taking place in the modern world, and in particular from political, military and social transformations. Nowadays, in this process of key importance is the use of external logistic potential for the needs of the armed forces, which for years has been a natural phenomenon in the activities of military units and institutions, both during peace, crisis and war. Logistic military-civilian cooperation brings tangible benefits to both parties, in many cases ensuring maximum effectiveness of the tasks performed. The aim of the article is to identify and assess the factors shaping contemporary logistic military-civil cooperation and to indicate the directions of its further, effective development. The structure of the article has been subordinated to the purpose of the work, which includes two main parts. The first theoretical, relating to the evolution and essence of logistic military-civil cooperation, and the second presenting the results of empirical research related to the research problem undertaken. The empirical part of the article presents the results of quantitative research carried out using the diagnostic survey method. It should be emphasized that the presented considerations are part of extensive scientific research conducted by a research team from the Faculty of Management and Command of the War Studies University in Warsaw, Poland. Their