The Son La hydropower reservoir (S.L.R.) is the largest water reservoir in Vietnam. Da River water has been treated for drinking and domestic purposes; water quality management is essential for the safety of ecosystems and human health. This study was conducted to determine changes in water quality indicators [pH, dissolved Oxygen (D.O.), total suspended solids (T.S.S.), chemical oxygen demand (C.O.D.), ammonium (NH4+), nitrite (NO2-), and coliform] in the Da River in 2010 and the Son La hydropower reservoir during 2014-2023. The results of mean annual values of Da river water quality and Son La hydropower reservoir were, specifically: pH (7.8; 7.4), D.O. (4.3; 6.2), T.S.S. (112; 5), C.O.D. (15; 8.7), NH4+ (0.17; 0.3), NO2- (0.009; 0.04), and coliform (1,723; 747). Water quality parameters significantly varied between rive and reservoir water: D.O., T.S.S., C.O.D., and Coliform. pH, T.S.S., and C.O.D. slightly decreased; however, Dissolved oxygen (D.O.), NH4+, NO2-, and coliform demonstrated an increasing trend during 2014-2023. The impact of the Son La Dam (S.L.D.) on water quality was relatively straightforward: increasing the concentration of dissolved oxygen and the self-cleaning ability of pollutants. Periodic water impoundment was divided (April to August) into a low water level of 175 m, impoundment (January to March), a median water level of 190m, and a high water level of 215 m (September to December) to period. However, the impact of the staged impoundment on water quality, especially in 2014-2023, remains unclear, except D.O., T.S.S., NH4+, NO2- and Coliform exceeded limits or were lower is not significant for living water under the Vietnam regulation, specifically: D.O. (5.36, 5.52; >= 6), T.S.S. (25.13; <= 25), NH4+ (0.3331; 0.3), NO2- (0.0504; 0.05), coliform (1,018.5; <= 1,000). Results from the current study provide valuable information for reservoir and river water pollution source management and reduce potential risks to exposed ecosystems, livelihoods, and human health.