Purpose: This study aims to identify caregiving stressors and coping strategies in a sample of family caregivers of persons with dementia living in Shanghai, China. Methods: A sample of 18 family caregivers participated in semi-structured face-to-face interviews. Information regarding caregiver appraisal of caregiving situations, difficulties with care provision, and ways of dealing with stressors were obtained. Thematic analysis was used to assess the interview data. Results: In addition to stressors directly related to caregiving demands (i.e., burden due to care recipient limitations in physical, cognitive, or behavioral functions), other salient stressors that emerged were role strains, family conflicts, and pressure from the social environment. Yet, caregivers demonstrated resilience by drawing on their coping resources from a variety of sources, including personal experience, family, technology and information, religion, and governmental support. Implications: Specific attention needs to be given to help family caregivers alleviate stress due to family conflicts and pressure from the social environment. Policy formulation and program design needs to build on caregiver strengths to support and empower Chinese families caring for relatives with dementia patients.