In Ibero-America, studies on "institutional research policies" in "higher education" constitute a little explored or emerging field; the absence of publications on the subject evokes multi -causal factors such as the lack of maturation of administrative structures oriented to the development of science, technology and innovation -CTeI in the countries, low valuation of knowledge in society, insufficient budgetary and infrastructural capacities in the territories; the instability in the governance of Latin American nations and the volatility in the regulations oriented to research development; makes that for the most part, a divulgative scenario composed of succinct cases with annualized statistical data and without periodicity/transcendence in time is established. This article describes the findings found in the systematic review of the scientific literature on institutional research policies in higher education published from 2014 to 2023. The methodology adopted the guidelines of the PRISMA Statement method and the Cochrane Collaboration manual, to establish a map of motivations, thematizations, and theoretical and methodological contributions; from the deconstruction of records through the MAXQDA (R) qualitative analysis software. The results, discussions, and conclusions are framed in a humanistic perspective of "science and technology studies -ECT" that seek in / from institutional research policies an opportunity to constitute a "research culture" at the various levels of higher education oriented/evaluated from representational, regulatory, identity, productive and usability of knowledge elements.