The maritime sector of Pakistan has a rich history and vast potential; however, it has yet to ratify the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC-2006). This paper provides a comprehensive overview of Pakistan's maritime sector, labour market, and an introduction to its potential in the context of the blue economy as a flag state, port state, and seafarers -supplying state. The study primarily focuses on why Pakistan needs to ratify the MLC-2006 to adhere to international standards for seafarer welfare and protection. The paper examines the impact of the MLC2006 on the sector, along with the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) of Pakistan ratifying the MLC-2006. The paper concludes that ratifying the MLC-2006 could offer significant benefits to the government, ship -owners, and seafarers in Pakistan by safeguarding their rights, enhancing operational efficiency, and improving the country's reputation in the maritime industry. Lastly, the paper suggests that the adoption of the MLC-2006 could greatly benefit Pakistan's maritime sector. It would enhance seafarers' rights, improve working conditions, promote high training standards, and create a transparent and accountable industry. This would attract investment, enhance competitiveness, and encourage youth participation in the profession. Compliance with the MLC-2006 would also secure Pakistan -flagged vessels and attract more international freight to its ports.