This essay investigates the complex relationship between digital technologies and social participation, focusing on the challenges and opportunities the technosphere presents. Utilizing Twitter as a case study, the essay critically examines the power dynamics, values, and interests that shape the design and implementation of digital technologies and their impact on social participation. The framework presented in this essay identifies two interconnected layers of social participation in the digital context: 1) employing technology as a tool for social participation and 2) actively engaging in the construction and political dynamics of technology itself. Through an interdisciplinary approach, the study argues that the current privatization of the technosphere and its governance by a few powerful corporations poses significant threats to democracy, equity, and the public interest. The essay claims strategies for fostering democratic engagement within the technosphere, such as developing public digital infrastructure, implementing transparency and accountability measures, and empowering civil society. By actively involving diverse stakeholders in developing, governance, and evaluating digital technologies, this essay advocates for a more inclusive and democratic technosphere that genuinely serves the public interest. This essay contributes to the academic discourse on the role of digital technologies in shaping our social, political, and economic lives and calls for further interdisciplinary research to explore the technosphere for democratic participation. By critically examining and addressing the power dynamics inherent in digital technologies, we can work towards a more inclusive, equitable, and democratic digital ecosystem.