Digitization of the manufacturing and assembly sector is important to set up Industry 4.0. In this process, one of the key factors is the channel of sharing and distributing information on the shop floor. This study highlights the implementation of digital work instructions in the manufacturing and assembly sectors and finds the benefits that it could bring to the industry. The study was conducted in a large production plant with over five hundred workers in Malaysia and was carried out for almost a year. Whereas, most of the existing studies have been conducted in a controlled environment with a group of inexperienced workers in manufacturing and assembly tasks. In this article, the benefits and challenges of digital work instructions are studied over paper-based textual representation of assembly instructions. The study was conducted among groups of people with different roles, such as electrical assembly, mechanical assembly, and final quality check. The qualitative analysis is carried out based on the survey conducted among operators with different roles. Results show that digitalization eases the work for the quality inspection group. In contrast, people with other tasks are either neutral or find it more difficult to work with digitalized versions over paper-based instructions. In addition to this, some data-driven facts are presented, which help in improving the plant operations. This includes recording material shortages, optimizing working hours, and having real-time updates on production status which leads to effective production planning. At last, with the collected information, manufacturing plants can also optimize power utilization that impacts the environment in a positive direction.