Human activities including urbanization, construction of coastal infrastructure, and sand extraction, have altered the natural coastal dynamics. Joao Pessoa's coastline is also influenced by sea level rise and climatic variations, contributing to its geomorphic changes. Numerous natural hazards like cyclonic, erosional activities, and other moments happened in the region like Joao Pessoa from Brazil between 2000 and 2011. A comprehensive examination of several spatial data sources, such as the topographical map of the Geological Survey of Brazil, the Landsat 8-9 OLI/TIRS (30 m) image, the SRTM dataset, and the ASTER DEM dataset was carried out. Volumetric changes in coastal landforms between 2000 and 2011 were assessed using change detection techniques such as cross-shore profile analysis, topographical change detection, and geomorphic change detection using DEM of Difference (DoD). According to their evolutionary processes, the coastal landform features are mostly covered by the Younger Deltaic Plain (307.76 and Younger Coastal Plain (259 The topographical change research indicates that the beach landforms have fallen in elevation by -23 to 123 m from SRTM and -15 to 187 m from ASTER DEM. 8 profiles in all were polled for the assessment of topographical change. The volumetric change in sediment load calculated by the DoD model between 2000 and 2011 exhibits both an area loss of -60 to -1 m along the north portion of the study area and a gain of 1-92 m accretion towards the south region. In the Joao Pessoa coastal region, the overall volumetric study indicates that landform erosion is 388.22 m3km, while landform accretion is 853.78 m3km. Coastal managers will find the study valuable as it contributes to a database on coast vulnerability and provides insights into the decadal shift in coastal environments.