Strong electromagnetic shielding coatings for aviation components are becoming more and more important as aerospace technology develops. In order to better understand the microstructural evolution, surface morphology, and thermal behaviour of ZrB2, Al2O3/ZrB2, Ag-ZrB2 composites, Cu/Al-doped films, TiO2/Si/Ag(Cr)/TiNx films, and ZnO/Ag/ZnO structures, this work presents the creation and use of advanced coatings. Applying X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and microstructural characterization, among other experimental investigations, the coatings' performance is assessed in a virtual aircraft environment. This work contributes to a better knowledge of the elements impacting electromagnetic shielding durability and efficiency, which opens the door to the development of next-generation coatings that meet and even surpass the strict specifications needed for aerospace applications. The enhancement of this technology highlights the importance it is to maintain the dependability and safety of aircraft systems, which eventually helps both crew and passengers.